The Issue

Throughout history and up to today, women have been compensated less for completing the same amount and quality of work as men. Gender bias has plauged the workforce not only through pay, but by giving men opportunites for success and ignoring women. The informaiton below will cover both how women are treated different socially and how the minute number of women in male-dominated fields could be contributing to gender bias.

Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace

Harrasment in the workplace has increased over the past few years at a startling rate as shown in the graph below, the registered sexual harassment cases from 2014 to 2017 have increased by 54%. The information from the graph below is from the Ministry of Women and Child Development.

Male Dominated Work Fields

The bar graph below demonstrates the lack of women in male-dominated fields. Many of these occupations are STEM related or are physically demanding. The absence of women in these jobs contributes to various sterotypes of women not being capable of handling certain mentally or physically demanding tasks, which only perpetuates the disasterous cycle of girls not pursuing these careers because they do not believe they can. The information is taken from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.